Adding Tailwind classes in Sitecore Using Safelist

Adding Tailwind Classes in Sitecore Using Safelist

Published on : February 7, 2025

Why Tailwind CSS is Popular:

Utility-First Approach: Tailwind gives you predefined utility classes (e.g., `bg-blue-500`, `text-center`, `p-4`) to directly style your components. This removes the need to create custom CSS or worry about naming conventions for your styles, leading to faster development.

Mobile-First: By default, Tailwind’s responsive utilities are mobile-first, meaning you define styles for mobile screens first and then scale up for larger devices using break-point classes (e.g., `sm:`, `md:`, `lg:`).

Customizability: Tailwind is highly customizable via the `tailwind.config.js` file. You can define new colors, spacing, or even create your own utility classes, which makes it a flexible framework for large-scale projects.

Integration with Sitecore:

Using Tailwind with Sitecore: Sitecore doesn’t directly support Tailwind’s utility classes because Sitecore often generates dynamic HTML where the class names might be stripped or processed in ways that remove unused CSS. This is where the concept of the **safelist** (formerly known as “purge” or “whitelist”) comes in.

 In your `tailwind.config.js` file, you can use the **safelist** option to ensure that Tailwind includes specific classes in the final CSS build. These are classes you want to be included even if they are not explicitly used in your HTML or JSX code.

For example:

  module.exports = {
    content: [
      // Add any other paths here where Sitecore templates might reference Tailwind classes
    safelist: [
      // Add any classes here that should not be purged from the build

Then, Sitecore can render these classes in the HTML output, ensuring your page is styled properly without losing the classes during the build.

This ensures that the classes like `bg-cactus` and `bg-breeze` are not purged by Tailwind’s JIT engine during the build process, allowing you to use them in Sitecore components.

Benefits of Tailwind CSS in React:

Faster Development: Instead of spending time creating custom CSS, you can quickly create layouts and style elements using the predefined utility classes.

Component Libraries Integration: Tailwind pairs well with component libraries like **Mantine**. By using Tailwind’s utility classes, you can style and customize Mantine components without having to write extra CSS.

React Integration: Tailwind works seamlessly with React because you can apply the utility classes directly in JSX. React’s JSX syntax allows you to conditionally apply classes, which is useful in dynamic UIs. 

Sitecore Integration: With Sitecore, integrating Tailwind classes requires an extra step with the safelist. This ensures that the dynamic Sitecore-generated HTML still includes the necessary Tailwind styles. By doing so, you avoid issues with classes being removed during the build process.


Tailwind CSS is a great choice for React JS development due to its ease of use, flexibility, and speed. Its utility-first approach allows developers to quickly implement and customize designs. When working with Sitecore, using the safelist feature ensures that the necessary Tailwind classes are included in the build process, even when dynamically generated HTML might strip away unused classes.

This combination of Tailwind, React, and Sitecore provides a powerful workflow for building scalable, maintainable, and responsive web applications with a minimal amount of custom CSS.

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