Sitecore 10.1 Release Notes | Quickly Upgrade to Sitecore 10

Sitecore 10.1 Release Notes | Quickly Upgrade to Sitecore 10

Published on : December 21, 2021

Sitecore 10.1 Release Notes | Quickly Upgrade to Sitecore 10

Sitecore has released Sitecore 10.1.0 on Feb 2021. Below are some important release notes of this new version.
New features in Sitecore 10.1

1. Upgrade – The upgrade process has been simplified and improved with the introduction of a new upgrade methodology. With the single Upgrade, Guide describes how to upgrade from Sitecore XP 8.1.0 or later to Sitecore XP 10.1.0.
2. Horizon – We can now search for pages, content items, and Media items. Creating and editing the data source item is possible now.
3. Forms – Autocomplete list of CSS class options is available now. Also, new Submit action has been introduced to send an automated email message. Most importantly Sitecore Forms now load the scripts from the bottom of the pages in order to improve the performance.
4. Sitecore CLI – We can now reference NuGet and npm to import serialized items. Also, possible to add a different set of plugins to our project.
5. Caching – There are a set of new features in HTML caching. Now you can configure and clear the HTML caching from Sitecore.
6. Search – SOLR retry option is introduced. Also, now we can programmatically test if the SOLR service is available.
7. SXA – A lot of new features are introduced in SXA like assigning themes to specific components, page branches template, and Horizon integration with SXA in order to editor use the horizon editor instead of experience editor.
8. Analytics – The Reporting and CM server roles have been combined to run on the same server role.

Deprecated features in Sitecore 10.1

1. Mongo DB – MongoDB providers for session and collections are removed in Sitecore 10.1. So, we need to follow the below Sitecore recommendation in order to upgrade to Sitecore 10.1,
Current version Upgrade instructions
Sitecore XP 8.x We need to use the Sitecore xDB Data Migration Tool to migrate to Sitecore 10.0 SQL and then follow the regular Sitecore upgrade process to upgrade to Sitecore 10.1.
Sitecore XP 9.x or 10.0 MongoDb We need to use the xConnect Migration code sample to migrate to Sitecore 10.1. Alternatively, use the xConnect API to copy the data from a previous instance to the new 10.1 xDB instances.

2. Fast Query – Sitecore Fast query has been deprecated.
3. Update Center – Sitecore update center has been deprecated in Sitecore 10.1.0.
4. Azure search – Support for Azure search provider and its related configurations are all removed in Sitecore XC 10.1.

Sitecore 10.1 Release Notes | Quickly Upgrade to Sitecore 10