Sitecore Print Experience Manager | Sitecore Certified Implementation and Solutions Partner

Sitecore Print Experience Manager | Sitecore Certified Implementation and Solutions Partner

Published on : April 17, 2023

Sitecore Print Experience Manager

Sitecore print experience manager accept to pull out live content from their website or Sitecore and publish it for print and also generate dynamic pdf content and projects stored within Sitecore Which means Sitecore security and workflow into the project, in previously many companies or corporations direct mail campaigns were a far memory, almost costly, and very slow, so now Sitecore print experience manager is used for rectify this lack. Print Experience Manager is installing the machine using Sitecore packages which include data templates.

Below is the PXM Architecture.
– PXM Sitecore Package
– InDesign Plug-in
– InDesign Server Plug-in
– Services, Online Document Generator, Rendition Builder, XmlViewer, etc.

Mainly the print experience manager work process mainly used XML engine for If the companies or corporations construct printed documentation, many profit gains from using the PXM Module.

1. Utilize Sitecore’s personalization engine, and dynamically customized printed documents can be produced (Improved user insight forms the source of Sitecore xDB). personalization gives more benefits to companies and users.

2. Sitecore print experience manager tool accepted for a biface content movement. If the UI designer wants to modify the incorrect or missed data. Designers can be able to do so in InDesign.

3. Since PXM works with Adobe InDesign and Adobe InCopy (industry standard design tools), customers can easily be convenient with the new structure and functionality very fast.

4. Sitecore print experience manager tool can automatically create HTML renderings for interactive content, providing marketing teams able to reuse printed parts to deliver alternative, digital formats.

5. Non-designers are also able to customize printed content via the use of predefined templates and the “Online Document Generator” function.

6. PXM combines with Sitecore’s workflow and versioning control, which means that only the latest approved content is being used.

7. Whilst the designers are busy designing, content editors can generate and modify content, avoiding workload replication.

Different PXM case studies show that the use of the module leads to great results. Here are just a few that are worth mentioning if you are considering whether PXM is something that your companies might benefit from:

– Total elimination of duplication errors, so avoid the extra work for create that.
– Up to 85% productivity improvements – examples include one company that claims that a 207-day production cycle has been reduced to just 19 days.
– Up to 85% reduction in costs – the production of smaller and more frequent print cycles contributed towards this figure through waste elimination.
– Large improvements in customer engagement, so it satisfied the customer need.
– Increased staff happiness because of the simplest and easy learning process.
– Document publishers allow to modify the inner content and publish them to create pdf or flash files, so companies have easily created documents and publish them as fast, so company growth will also increase.


Sitecore print experience manager is mainly used to update your slow, expensive, inefficient, error-prone, wasteful, and generic catalog production process into fast using Sitecore PXM and company Enhancement process.

Sitecore Print Experience Manager | Sitecore Certified Implementation and Solutions Partner

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